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Development information

ImageShare is built to run as a multi-container Docker application, using Nginx as the server, PHP-FPM as the PHP container, and Let’s Encrypt Certbot for obtaining an SSL certificate. The custom Ngix configuration and Certbot allows ImageShare to load over both HTTP and HTTPS, without forcing an HTTPS connection (like most hosted providers). This setup means ImageShare is available on legacy browsers that have outdated certificate chains or no SSL support at all, and works on just about any host operating system.

This guide assumes you have some knowledge of Docker (this video is a simple overview). You also need Docker Desktop installed for running locally.

Docker Compose files

ImageShare uses two Docker Compose configurations, found in the root directory of this repository:

Setting up ImageShare on a production server involves using the docker-compose config first, then switching to docker-compose-prod after Certbot is successfully set up.

Run ImageShare on a local PC or server

First, clone the ImageShare repository, if you haven’t already:

git clone
cd imageshare

You need an either Imgur API key or an ImgBB API key for ImageShare. If you add both, the user can choose which service to use on each upload. Create a new plain text file in the root directory (same folder as this readme) called .env and add your API keys as lines like this:


Then start the application like this:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build

ImageShare should now be accessible in your web browser from http://localhost. You can also test it on other devices on the same network (like a Nintendo 3DS) by replacing localhost with your local IP address, like this:

When you’re done, run this command to shut down the containers:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml down

Run ImageShare on a production server

You need a server with Docker and Docker compose installed. I used the pre-configured Docker droplet from DigitalOcean. Clone the ImageShare repository on your server, if you haven’t already:

git clone
cd imageshare

You need an either Imgur API key or an ImgBB API key for ImageShare. If you add both, the user can choose which service to use on each upload. You also need to set the domain that will be used for public access. If you want to retain compatibility with legacy web browsers, you may need to use an old top-level domain (e.g. .com or .net) instead of newer TLDs.

Create a new plain text file in the root directory (same folder as this readme) called .env and add your API keys and domain as lines like this:


Next, set the DNS settings for your domain like this:

Type Host Value
A @ Your server IP address, like
CNAME www Your domain without the www part, like

Then start the development container:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up

ImageShare should now be running at the server’s IP address. After you verify the web server is working (DNS settings might take a while to kick in), you need to run Certbot to generate SSL certificates (substitute your own domain and email):

docker compose run --rm  certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/certbot/ --email -d --agree-tos --no-redirect  --non-interactive

If it worked, you can switch to the production version:

docker compose down
docker compose -f docker-compose-prod.yml up

The production version should reboot the containers if they go down (e.g. after a reboot), if your Docker is set up correctly.

Auto-renew certificate

You can automate the certificate renewal so SSL continues to work without manual work. On Linux systems, create a crontab like this:

crontab -e

Add the following line to the end of the file, which runs certbot on the first day of every second month (certificates last 90 days), and restarts all Docker containers to apply changes:

0 5 1 */2 *  /usr/bin/docker compose -f /user/imageshare/docker-compose-prod.yml run certbot certonly --webroot --webroot-path /var/www/certbot/ --email -d --agree-tos --no-redirect  --non-interactive; docker compose restart

You will need to replace the path to the compose file with the correct path, as well as the domain and email address in the certbot command. Then save your changes.

Updating ImageShare

To apply new changes, such as edited config files or a new version pulled from GitHub, shut down the containers and start them with --build, like this:

docker compose down
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up --build

If you’re using the production application, replace docker-compose.yml with docker-compose-prod.yml.

Enable Plausible Analytics (optional)

ImageShare can optionally use Plausible Analytics to track pageviews and uploads. The collected data includes pageviews, upload events (not the contents of the upload), and the upload method. The analytics is handled server-side, using the client’s user agent and IP address.

To get started, create a website in Plausible. The Plausible domain doesn’t have to match the actual site URL.

You have to create custom events and goals to track uploads and the type of uploads. In the Plausible domain settings, open the Goals page and create a custom event called “Upload”. This is used to track image upload events.

Add goal screenshot

Next, open the Custom Properties page, and create a new property called “Upload Mode”. This is used to track which upload method (anonymous Imgur, registered ImbBB, etc.) is used on each upload event.

Add custom event screenshot

Next, add the Plausible domain to your server .env file like this:

Finally, apply your settings by restarting the server. If you’re running the production server, replace docker-compose.yml with docker-compose-prod.yml in the below example.

docker compose down
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up

Pageviews and upload events should now appear in your Plausible dashboard. Note that the Nintendo 3DS, New Nintendo 3DS, and Wii U Browsers all appear as “NetFront” in Plausible.